Bluebird, Bluebird Lyrics – Free Printable PDF

If you’ve been looking for Bluebird Bluebird lyrics, especially if you’d like to print them out, then you’re on the right page!

Bluebird, Bluebird” is a simple circle game, very popular with preschoolers. You can find it in many different versions.

On this page you’ll find the lyrics of the song and a printable PDF file with lyrics for free download. You can also watch a sing-along video. Enjoy!

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Printable Bluebird Bluebird Lyrics PDF

Click on the button to download a PDF file with lyrics to this song for free.

Bluebird Bluebird lyrics printable PDF

Bluebird Bluebird Lyrics

  1. Bluebird, bluebird through my window,
    Bluebird, bluebird through my window,
    Bluebird, bluebird come through my window,
    Oh, Johnny, I am tired.
  1. Take a little girl, and tap her on the shoulders,
    Take a little girl, and tap her on the shoulders,
    Take a little girl, and tap her on the shoulders,
    Oh, Johnny, I am tired!
  1. Bluebird, bluebird through my window,
    Bluebird, bluebird through my window,
    Bluebird, bluebird come through my window,
    Oh, Johnny, I am tired.
  2. Take a little boy, and tap him on the shoulders,
    Take a little boy, and tap him on the shoulders,
    Take a little boy, and tap him on the shoulders,
    Oh, Johnny, I am tired!

See also our 5 Bird Songs for Kids for High and Low Flights

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Bluebird, Bluebird Game Instructions

  • Kids stand in a circle with joining hands. The circle represents a house and their arms represent the windows. When their arms are raised, the windows are open. When their arms are lowered, the windows are close.
  • One child is in the middle pretending to be the bluebird. When they all start to sing, the bluebird will weave in and out of the house. When they reach the last line “Oh Johnny, I am tired.” the windows shut and the bluebird is trapped either inside or outside the house.
  • The bluebird then taps another kid on the shoulder, and they both fly in and out during the second verse.
  • This pattern repeats until you have several bluebirds flying around. The song is repeated until all kids have had a chance to be the bluebird.

Sing-along Video

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