“Lavender’s Blue” is an English folk song and nursery rhyme from the 17th century. It became very popular during the 20th century through various musical versions (classic, pop, movie/TV, etc.).
Today it’s often used as a love song for kids.
On this page you can find Guitar Chords and Tabs followed by an Easy Guitar Sheet Music with notes and tablature. See also our Printable PDF file for free download.
Guitar Chords and Tabs in G
“Lavender’s Blue” is an easy 3-chord song in a major key. We suggest the key of G major as all three chords G, C and D7 are essential for beginners. Alternatively, you will find the song in the key of D major as you can see next.
The melody range that results when singing in the key of G is the sixth G4 – E5 (see on the Music Sheet in G following) and is well suited to most children’s voice pitch. Nonetheless, you could use a capo to transpose to G#, A, Bb, or B major by placing it respectively on fret I, II, III, or IV.
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Guitar Chords and Tabs in D
As mentioned above, we also suggest the key of D major, as all three chords D, G and A7 are essential for beginners.
Accordingly, the melody range extends to the sixth D4 – B4 (see on the Music Sheet in D following) and is a bit low for children’s voice pitch. You can, however, use a capo to transpose to D#, E, F, or F# major by placing it respectively on fret I, II, III, or IV.
If you’d like to save this free image with the guitar chords of “Lavender’s Blue” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.
Easy Guitar Sheet Music with Notes, Chords & Tablature in G
This is a simple transcription for guitar with a bass line and recommended fingering. As much as the song is great for singing with kids, it is also an ideal piece for guitar beginners. It is a pleasant tune to practice the notes on the 1st position and up to the 5th fret with all 4 fingers of the left hand. The piece can serve as a fine legato exercise as well. Since the melody is repeated twice, we chose to move the second phrase an octave lower for further practice on the bass strings.
Regarding the right hand mobility and control, as one can practice the apoyando i-m along with the thumb.
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Easy Guitar Sheet Music with Notes, Chords & Tablature in D
This is a simple transcription for guitar with accompanying bass and recommended fingering. As said above, the piece is great for guitar beginners. Notice the tuning of the 6th string to D.
Regarding the left hand, you will practice the notes on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th position and up to the 7th fret with all four fingers and enough legati. As for the right hand it is apoyando i-m and thumb movement and control.
For saving this free guitar music sheet of “Lavender’s Blue” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.
Free Printable PDF with Guitar Chords, Tabs and Sheet Music
You can click on the button for a printable PDF file with Guitar Chords, Tabs and Sheet Music with notes and tablature for this song for free.
Lavender’s Blue – Guitar Chords, Tabs, Sheet Music PDF – Singing Bell
Click on the button to watch a sing-along video and download an instrumental mp3 of I’m a Little Teapot song for free.
Watch a karaoke video and download a PDF file with lyrics to I’m a Little Teapot song for free by clicking on the follow button.
Click on the button to watch a piano tutorial video and download a PDF file with piano sheet music for beginners of this song for free.
Click on the button to watch a glockenspiel / xylophone tutorial video and download a free printable PDF file with glockenspiel / xylophone Music Sheet and Note Chart of this song.
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