International Women’s Day: Fun Facts and Engaging Activities for Kids

International Women’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to help kids understand the importance of equality

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International Women’s Day for kids

International Women’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to inspire young minds and help kids understand the importance of equality and celebrating achievements. It’s a day filled with stories of courage, creativity, and resilience, offering countless ways to teach children about the contributions women have made to the world. From famous inventors and leaders to everyday heroes, there’s so much to explore and appreciate about the role women play in shaping our lives.

By engaging kids in fun and educational activities, we can spark meaningful conversations and encourage values like respect, empathy, and fairness. Whether through crafts, storytelling, or hands-on projects, International Women’s Day can become a memorable experience for kids, showing them the power of teamwork and the importance of supporting one another.

Table of Contents

What is International Women’s Day?

What is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a special day to celebrate the achievements of women and to remind everyone about the importance of equality and respect for all.

5 Facts about International Women’s Day Every Child Should Know

Introduce kids to the significance of International Women’s Day by sharing some key facts that highlight its history, purpose, and global impact.


It’s celebrated on March 8th

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th worldwide to honor women’s contributions in all areas of life—at home, school, work, and beyond.

Several women scientists who changed astronomy From left to right Vera Rubins astronomer daughter Judy Young Vera Rubin Wendy Freedman Sandra Faber Allison Campbell Nancy Roman The photo was taken in 1988 | Credit Carnegie InstitutionNOIRLabNSFAURA <a href=httpsnoirlabedupublicimagesVera Rubin et al CC>Several women scientists who changed astronomy<a> NOIRLab <a href=httpscreativecommonsorglicensesby40 target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>CC BY 40<a>


It started over a century ago

It started over 100 years ago, in 1911, to support women’s rights, like the right to vote and work fairly.

New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
Female film industry workers carrying a large American flag as part of a National Recovery Administration parade New York City 1933 | New York World Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection <a href=httpslocgetarchivenetmediafemale film industry workers carrying a large american flag as part of an national title=>Library of Congress<a>


Its Colors Have a Meaning:

Purple stands for justice and dignity, green represents hope, and white symbolizes purity in the fight for gender equality.

International Women’s Day Colors


It’s an Official Holiday in Many Countries

In some places, like Russia and Vietnam, March 8th is a national holiday, and people give flowers and gifts to women.


It Inspires Action for Equality

Every year, a theme encourages people to think and act toward making the world fairer for everyone, no matter what their gender is.

Get these 5 facts in a free printable PDF

5 Facts about International Women's Day

3 Fun Activities for Kids to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Celebrate this special day with engaging activities that teach children the value of equality and the contributions of women throughout history.


Make Cards for Inspiring Women
Encourage kids to create handmade cards for women they admire—like their moms, teachers, or other role models—expressing why they are special and inspiring.


Learn About Famous Women in History
Organize a storytelling or research session where kids learn about trailblazing women like Marie Curie, Rosa Parks, or Malala Yousafzai, and discuss their achievements.


Create Art Celebrating Equality
Let kids draw or paint pictures that show boys and girls working together as equals, symbolizing gender equality and teamwork.

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International Women’s Day for kids

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