Mizerna, Cicha

Karaoke Songs for Kids
Mizerna, Cicha

Carol, Poland.

“Mizerna, Cicha” is a Polish Christmas carol with words that were written by Theophilus Lenartowicz and were first released in 1849.

This carol holds a significant place in Poland’s rich musical heritage. It tells the story of the humble and quiet night when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The lyrics beautifully capture the serene and peaceful atmosphere of the Nativity scene, emphasizing the importance of the event and the joy it brings to the world.

The carol is often performed during Polish Christmas Eve celebrations and is an integral part of the country’s holiday traditions. Families gather around the Christmas table, light candles, and sing “Mizerna, Cicha” to commemorate the birth of Christ, fostering a sense of unity and spirituality during this festive season.

Table of Contents

Karaoke Video

Lyrics (Polish)

1. Mizerna, cicha,
Stajenka licha,
Pełna niebieskiej chwały;
Oto leżący,
Przed nami śpiący,
W promieniach Jezus mały.

2. Nad nim Anieli
W locie stanęli
I pochyleni klęczą;
Z włosy złotymi
Z skrzydły białymi
Pod malowaną tęczą.

3. Wielkie zdziwienie,
Wszelkie stworzenie,
Cały świat orzeźwiony;
Mądrość Mądrości,
Światłość światłości,
Jezus wcielony.

4. I oto mnodzy
Ludzie ubodzy
Radzi oglądać Pana;
Pełni natchnienia,
Pełni zbawienia,
Upadli na kolana.

5. Lulaj dziecino,
Lulaj ptaszyno,
Nasze umiłowanie;
Gdy się rozbudzi,
W tej rzeszy ludzi,
Zbawienie nam się stanie.

6. Hej! Ludzie prości,
Bóg z nami gości,
Skończony czas niedoli.
On daje siebie
Chwała na niebie,
Pokój ludziom dobrej woli.

7. Długo czekali,
Długo wzdychali,
Aż niebo rozgorzało,
Piekło zawarte,
Niebo otwarte,
Słowo ciałem się stało.

8. Śpi jeszcze senne
Dziecię promienne,
W ciszy ubogiej strzechy;
Na licach białych,
Na ustach małych,
Migają się uśmiechy.

9. Jako w kościele
Choć ludzi wiele
Cisza pobożna wieje;
Oczy się roszą
Dusze się wznoszą,
Płyną w serca nadzieje.

10. Oto Maryja,
Czysta lilija,
Przy niej Staruszek drżący,
Stoją przed nami,
Przed pastuszkami,
Tacy uśmiechający.

11. Radość na ziemi,
Bo nad wszystkimi,
Roztacza blask rumiany.
Przepaść rozwarta,
Upadek czarta,
Zstępuje Pan nad pany.

English Translation

Miserable, quiet,
Humble stable,
Full of heavenly glory;
Here lying,
Sleeping before us,
In the rays, little Jesus.

Above Him,
Angels In flight stood,
And, bowing, they kneel;
With golden hair,
With white wings,
Under a painted rainbow.

Great amazement,
All creation,
The whole world refreshed;
Wisdom of Wisdom,
Light of lights,
Jesus incarnate.

And here, the young ones
Poor people
Glad to see the Lord;
Full of inspiration,
Full of salvation,
They fell to their knees.

Lullaby, little child,
Lullaby, little bird,
Our beloved one;
When He awakens,
In this crowd of people,
Our salvation will come.

Hey! Simple people,
God as a guest with us,
The time of misery has ended.
He gives Himself,
Glory in heaven,
Peace to people of goodwill.

They waited long,
They sighed long,
Until the sky ignited,
Hell enclosed,
Heaven opened,
The Word became flesh.

He still sleeps dreamily,
The radiant child,
In the humble stable’s silence;
On white cheeks,
On little lips,
Smiles flicker.

Like in church,
Though many people,
A devout silence prevails;
Eyes become moist,
Souls rise,
Hopes flow into hearts.

Here is Mary,
Pure lily,
With the trembling old man beside her,
They stand before us,
Before the shepherds,
Smiling like this.

Joy on earth,
For above all,
Spreads a rosy glow.
The abyss is opened,
The devil’s fall,
The Lord descends among lords.

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“Mizerna, Cicha” (instrumental, 3:05 – 3/4 – 92 bpm)

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Singing Christmas with our Kids, Vol.1

Singing Christmas with Our Kids Volume 1 Cover

Christmas is a time to rejoice, and singing certainly does bring that. This is your chance to teach your children some all-time favorite carols and sing them along yourself, too.

Singing Bell on Apple Music
Singing Bell on Spotify

Sheet music with chords

To save this free music sheet of “Mizerna, Cicha” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

Mizerna Cicha Sheet Music

Free Printable Sheet Music PDF with Lyrics

Mizerna Cicha Sheet Music PDF

To download a printable PDF of this song for music activities with sheet music, lyrics and a drawing for kids to paint, click on the button above or on the following link.

Mizerna, Cicha| Free PDF download – Singing Bell


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