If you’ve been looking for The Ash Grove lyrics, especially if you’d like to print them out, then you’re on the right page!

On this page you’ll find the lyrics of the song in both versions by Thomas Oliphant and by John Oxenford, and a printable PDF file with lyrics for free download. You can also watch two corresponding music videos. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
- Printable The Ash Grove Lyrics PDF
- The Ash Grove Lyrics
- The Ash Grove Music Videos
- The Ash Grove Song Information
Printable The Ash Grove Lyrics PDF
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The Ash Grove Lyrics
The Ash Grove Lyrics by Thomas Oliphant
- Down yonder green valley, where streamlets meander,
When twilight is fading I pensively rove,
Or at the bright noontide in solitude wander
Amid the dark shades of the lonely ash grove.
‘Twas there, while the blackbird was cheerfully singing,
I first met my dear one, the joy of my heart!
Around us for gladness the bluebells were ringing,
Ah! then little thought I how soon we should part.
- Still glows the bright sunshine o’er valley and mountain,
Still warbles the blackbird its note from the tree;
Still trembles the moonbeam on streamlet and fountain,
But what are the beauties of nature to me?
With sorrow, deep sorrow, my bosom is laden,
All day I go mourning in search of my love;
Ye echoes, oh, tell me, where is the sweet maiden?
“She sleeps, ‘neath the green turf down by the ash grove.”
The Ash Grove Lyrics by John Oxenford
- The ash grove, how graceful, how plainly ’tis speaking;
The harp through it playing has language for me,
Whenever the light through its branches is breaking
(or: When over its branches the sunlight is breaking)
A host of kind faces is gazing on me.
The friends of my childhood again are before me;
Each step wakes a memory as freely I roam.
With soft whispers laden the leaves rustle o’er me;
The ash grove, the ash grove, alone is my home.
- Down yonder green valley where streamlets meander,
When twilight is fading I pensively rove,
Or at the bright noontide in solitude wander
Amid the dark shades of the lonely ash grove.
‘Twas there while the blackbird was cheerfully singing
I first met that dear one, the joy of my heart.
Around us for gladness the bluebells were springing,
The ash grove, the ash grove that sheltered my home.
(or: But then little thought I how soon we should part.)
- My lips smile no more, my heart loses its lightness;
No dream of the future my spirit can cheer.
I only can brood on the past and its brightness;
The dear ones I long for again gather here.
From ev’ry dark nook they press forward to meet me;
I lift up my eyes to the broad leafy dome,
And others are there, looking downward to greet me;
The ash grove, the ash grove again is my home.
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The Ash Grove Music Videos
Sing-along Video (Thomas Oliphant’s Version)
Listen to this recording from the album Folk Song Arrangements, Vol 1: The British Isles (1943) by Benjamin Britten.
Sing-along Video (John Oxenford’s Version)
Enjoy The Ash Grove in this superb performance by Laura Wright.
The Ash Grove Song Information
- “The Ash Grove” is the English version of the traditional Welsh harp tune and folk song “Llywyn Onn,” which dates back to the 17th century. It is also known as “Down Yonder Green Valley.”
- It was first published in 1862 with English lyrics written by Thomas Oliphant. John Oxenford also wrote a set of lyrics that have been very popular up to this day.
- Through the years, The Ash Grove has been arranged numerous times and in various genres, from classical to jazz to religious. It is also featured in movie films (How Green Was My Valley, 1939), TV series (Pride and Prejudice, BBC, 1980), and even video games (Black & White, 2001).
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