If you’ve been looking for Still Still Still lyrics, especially if you’d like to print them out, then you’re on the right page!

On this page you’ll find the lyrics of the song and a printable PDF file with lyrics for free download. You can also watch a sing-along video with lyrics. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
- Printable Still Still Still Lyrics PDF
- Still Still Still Lyrics in English
- Still Still Still Lyrics in German
- Music Videos
- Still Still Still Song Information
Printable Still Still Still Lyrics PDF
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Still Still Still Lyrics in English
Version 1
- Still, still, still
One can hear the falling snow
For all is hushed
The world is sleeping
Holy star, its vigil keeping
Still, still, still
One can hear the falling snow
- Sleep, sleep, sleep
‘Tis the eve of our Saviour’s birth
The night is peaceful all around You
Close Your eyes
Let sleep surround You
Sleep, sleep, sleep
‘Tis the eve of our Saviour’s birth
- Dream, dream, dream
Of the joyous day to come
While guardian angels without number
Watch You as You sweetly slumber
Dream, dream, dream
Of the joyous day to come
Version 2
- Still, still, still,
His bright eyes softly close
And Mary, breathless,
Draws him sleeping
To her heart,
Made pure for keeping
Still, still, still,
His bright eyes softly close.
- Sleep, sleep, sleep,
He hears, and sweetly smiles.
And kneeling Joseph
Joins in chorus
With the angels
Bending o’er us
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
He hears, and sweetly smiles.
- Sleep, Sleep, Sleep,
He breathes a tender sigh,
For soon he’ll wake
The world from slumber
Bringing life
And endless wonder
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
He breathes a tender sigh
Sleep, Holy Jesus
Still Still Still Lyrics in German
- Still, still, still,
weil ‘s Kindlein schlafen will!
Maria tut es nieder singen,
ihre keusche Brust darbringen.
Still, still, still,
weil ‘s Kindlein schlafen will!
- Schlaf, schlaf, schlaf,
mein liebes Kindlein, schlaf!
Die Englel tun schön musizieren,
bei dem Kindlein jubilieren.
Schlaf, schlaf, schlaf,
mein liebes Kindlein, schlaf!
- Groß, groß, groß,
die Lieb’ ist übergroß!
Gott hat den Himmelsthron verlassen
und muss reisen auf den Straßen.
Groß, groß, groß,
die Lieb’ ist übergroß.
- Auf, auf, auf,
ihr Adamskinder auf!
Fallet Jesum all’ zu Füßen,
weil er für uns d’Sünd tut büßen!
Auf, auf, auf,
ihr Adamskinder auf!
- Wir, wir, wir,
tun rufen all’ zu Dir:
Tu uns des Himmels Reich aufschließen,
wenn wir einmal sterben müssen.
Wir, wir, wir,
tun rufen all’ zu dir. - Ruh’t, ruh’t, ruh’t,
Weil’s Kindlein schlafen tut.
Sankt Josef löscht das Lichtlein aus,
Die Englein schützen’s kleine Haus.
Ruh’t, ruh’t, ruh’t,
Weil’s Kindlein schlafen tut.
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Music Videos
Sing-along Video (Version 1)
Listen to this heartwarming arrangement by Norman Luboff performed by the Washington Chorus.
Sing-along Video (Version 2)
This is a beautiful arrangement of the song by the conductor Mack Wilberg. The well known Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra are giving an exquisite performing in this recording.
Sing-along Video (German Lyrics)
Enjoy this unexpected cheerful jazz arrangement by the German Jazzrausch Bigband!
Still Still Still Song Information
- “Still, still, still” is a beautiful Austrian Christmas carol and lullaby. Its melody is a traditional folk tune of unknown origins, while the German lyrics in use today are attributed to Georg Götsch.
- There are many different English versions to be found, and a handful of touching performances recorded as well.
- The song describes the peaceful scene where Mary sings infant Jesus to sleep. It brings out all the serenity and holiness of the moment both from the perspective of the Christmas story and from the one of everyday tales of human affection and maternal love.
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