Christmas song, Argentina
By Ariel Ramirez and Felix Luna
Copyright Sadaic Latin Copyrights, Inc.
“La peregrinación” (“The pilgrimage”) is a famous Christmas song written by the legendary Argentinian composer and pianist Ariel Ramírez.
The lyrics were written by Félix Luna.
Table of Contents
- Karaoke Video with Lyrics
- Lyrics (Spanish)
- Free karaoke MP3 download
- Free karaoke MP3 download (Long version)
- Sheet Music with chords in B minor
- Sheet Music with chords in D minor
- Free Printable PDF with Music sheet and Lyrics
- Villancicos y Canciones de Navidad en español
Karaoke Video with Lyrics
Lyrics (Spanish)
1. A la huella, a la huella José y María,
por las pampas heladas cardos y ortigas.
A la huella, a la huella cortando campo,
no hay cobijo ni fondo sigan andando.
2. Florecita del campo, clavel del aire,
si ninguno te aloja ¿dónde naces?
¿Dónde naces, florecita, que estás creciendo,
palomita asustada, grillo sin sueño?
3. A la huella, a la huella José y María
con un Dios escondido, nadie sabía.
4. A la huella, a la huella los peregrinos,
préstenme una tapera para mi Niño.
A la huella, a la huella soles y lunas,
los ojitos de almendra, piel de aceituna.
5. ¡Ay burrito del campo! ¡Ay buey barcino!
¡Que mi Niño ya viene, háganle sitio!
Un ranchito de quincha, sólo me ampara,
dos alientos amigos la luna clara.
6. A la huella, a la huella José y María
con un Dios escondido, nadie sabía.
Click on the button to watch a karaoke video and download a PDF file with lyrics to this song for free.
Free karaoke MP3 download
To download your free instrumental mp3 of this song, click or tap on the following button, then choose “Save link as…”

“La peregrinación (A la huella)” (free instrumental, 2:38 – 3/4 – 115 bpm)
This composition is copyrighted | Licensing by Singing Bell is not available

Free karaoke MP3 download (Long version)
To download your free instrumental mp3 of this song, click or tap on the following button, then choose “Save link as…”

“La peregrinación (A la huella)(Long version)” (free instrumental, 2:49 – 3/4 – 115 bpm)
This composition is copyrighted | Licensing by Singing Bell is not available

21 Canciones de Navidad y Villancicos para niños
Our collection of Spanish Christmas songs includes 21 tracks from Spain, South America and the Spanish versions of English-language Christmas hits.
Sheet Music with chords in B minor
To save this free music sheet of “La peregrinación” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

Sheet Music with chords in D minor
To save this free music sheet of “La peregrinación” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

Singing Christmas with our Kids, Vol.1
Christmas is a time to rejoice, and singing certainly does bring that. This is your chance to teach your children some all-time favorite carols and sing them along yourself, too.
Free Printable PDF with Music sheet and Lyrics
To download a ready-to-print PDF of this song for music activities with a music sheet, lyrics and a drawing for kids to paint, right click (or tap and hold) on the following link, then choose “Save link as…”.
“La peregrinación” free PDF download – Singing Bell
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Villancicos y Canciones de Navidad en español
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