“Caballito Blanco” (meaning “Little white horse”) is a popular Spanish traditional song for kids. It is often used by Spanish language teachers as it helps students to make use of common vocabulary. As is the case with traditional culture, there are a few different versions of the song to be found around the Spanish-speaking world.
The singers ask the white horse to take them to their hometown in the countryside. Then they describe aspects of rural life.
On this page you will find the Spanish lyrics followed by a translation in English by Singing Bell. You can download for free a printable PDF file with lyrics and watch an animated sing-along video. Enjoy!
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Caballito blanco,
llévame de aquí, (sácame de aquí,)
llévame a mi pueblo
donde yo nací.
Tengo, tengo, tengo,
tú no tienes nada,
tengo tres ovejas
en una cabaña. (en una manada.)
Una me da leche,
otra me da lana,
y otra, mantequilla
para la semana.
Levántate Juana
y prende la vela (a prender la vela)
para ver quien anda
por la cabecera.
Son los angelitos
que andan de carrera
despertando al niño
para ir a la escuela.
English translation by Singing Bell
Little white horse,
take me out of here, (get me out of here,)
take me to my town
where I was born.
I have, I have, I have,
you have nothing,
I have three sheep
in a cabin. (in a pack.)
One gives me milk
another gives me wool,
and another, butter
for the week.
Get up Joan
and light the candle (to light the candle)
to see who’s going
towards the headwaters.
They are the little angels
who are racing
waking up the child
to go to school.
Animated Sing-along Video
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