If you’ve been looking for Crawdad Song lyrics, especially if you’d like to print them out, then you’re on the right page!

On this page you’ll find the lyrics of the song and a printable PDF file with lyrics for free download. You can also watch a sing-along video. Enjoy!
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Printable Crawdad Song Lyrics PDF
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Crawdad Song Lyrics
- You get a line and I’ll get a pole, Honey,
You get a line and I’ll get a pole, Babe.
You get a line and I’ll get a pole,
We’ll go fishin’ in the crawdad hole,
Honey, oh baby, mine.
- Sittin’ on the bank ’til my feet get cold, Honey,
Sittin’ on the bank ’til my feet get cold, Babe,
Sittin’ on the bank ’til my feet get cold,
Lookin’ down that crawdad hole,
Honey, oh baby, mine.
- Yonder comes a man with a sack on his back, Honey,
Yonder comes a man with a sack on his back, Babe,
Yonder comes a man with a sack on his back,
Packin’ all the crawdads he can pack,
Honey, oh baby, mine.
- The man fell down and he broke that sack, Honey,
The man fell down and he broke that sack, Babe,
The man fell down and he broke that sack,
See those crawdads backing back,
Honey, oh baby, mine.
- I heard the duck say to the drake, Honey,
I heard the duck say to the drake, Babe,
I heard the duck say to the drake,
There ain’t no crawdads in this lake,
Honey, oh baby, mine.
- You get a line and I’ll get a pole, Honey,
You get a line and I’ll get a pole, Babe.
You get a line and I’ll get a pole,
We’ll go fishin’ in the crawdad hole,
Honey, oh baby, mine.
Honey, oh baby, mine.
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Sing-along Video
Crawdad Song Information
- “Crawdad Song” is a folk song from the Southern United States of America and is based upon older songs, such as the Frog Went a-Courtin’ and Sweet Thing.
- It is also known as “You Get a Line and I’ll Get a Pole,” “Crawdad Hole,” or just “Crawdad.”
- It was first published in a collection of songs in 1917 by Cecil Sharp and is on number 4853 in the Roud Folk song Index.
- This tune evolved from the Anglo-American play-party traditions which were common during the first hundred years of United States history.
- As is the case with folk culture, there are many variations to be found.
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