Just like the coming of spring, celebrating Easter brings a really joyful message: the resurrection of Christ is a reminder that nature thrives again, that good times can come after bad times, that flowers will bloom after harsh winters. We have collected these famous Easter quotes for kids to communicate that happy message.
Our carefully curated page with famous words spoken about Easter includes inspiring, cute and shorter quotes that everyone can share or even write on Easter greeting cards. Sharing or reading these quotes with your kids or students will surely set the ground for a fruitful reflection upon Easter’s deeper meaning.
Short Easter Quotes for kids to enhance your Happy Easter Wishes
Here are the best short quotes about Easter to include in your kids’ Easter greeting cards and enjoy the season to the fullest!
- Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart! Susan Coolridge
- The great gift of Easter is hope. Basil Hume
- We live and die: Christ died and lived! John Stott
- Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there. Clarence W. Hall
- Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life. Janine di Giovanni
- The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring. Bernard Williams
- The cross is the only ladder high enough to touch Heaven’s threshold. George Dana Boardman
- Do not abandon yourselves to despair.
We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. Pope John Paul II
Cute and Funny Easter Quotes for Kids of All Ages
It’s all about chocolate bunnies, Easter egg hunts, baskets full of spring flowers, happy family gatherings and sunny mornings! These quotes bring out the spirit of Easter’s happiness!
- The Easter bunny ate all of the carrots we left for him. What a pig. Steve Carell
- Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket. Evan Esar
- I have always wanted a bunny and I’ll always have a rabbit the rest of my life. Amy Sedaris
- All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt! Charles M. Schulz
- Easter is a time for dressing up, looking your best, and hunting for candy. It’s Halloween in reverse. Melanie White
- Easter eggs are probably the weirdest part about this great holiday. Rabbits laying eggs and then children run around finding them and eating them thinking that they are chocolate. Unknown
- They have Easter egg hunts in Philadelphia, and if the kids don’t find the eggs, they get booed. Bob Uecker
- Two thousand years ago, Jesus is crucified. Three days later, he walks out of a cave and they celebrate with chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps and beautifully decorated eggs. I guess these were things Jesus loved as a child. Billy Crystal
- So is Easter the festival of eggs or of bunnies bro? I still can’t understand how the eggs and the bunnies are related. Tewin Sham
- I lied on my Weight Watchers list. I put down that I had 3 eggs… but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs. Caroline Rhea
- You’ll wake up on Easter morning,
And you’ll know that he was there,
When you find those choc’late bunnies,
That he’s hiding ev’rywhere. Gene Audry
Inspirational Easter Quotes that Send Out the Word of Hope and Faith
Our Lord Jesus’ Resurrection sent the world a timeless message of hope and forgiveness. Sharing these quotes with your kids or students will set the ground for a fruitful reflection upon Easter’s deeper meaning.
- Easter is a sign of peace and forgiveness for Jesus, as well as all our brothers and sisters. Gene Skaggs Jr.
- The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise. Carl Knudsen
- Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. Charles M. Crowe
- Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present. T. Wright
- Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. Martin Luther
- Every day’s a rebirth. Every day is Easter. Just remember to color your eggs happy colors, like yellow and baby blue. Mark Ellinger
- Twas Easter-Sunday.
The full-blossomed trees
Filled all the air with fragrance
and with joy. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Christ the Lord is risen today,
sons of men and angels say.
Raise your joys and triumphs high;
sing, ye heavens and Earth reply. Charles Wesley - The great Jesus Christ is risen today,
Our triumphant holy day;
Who did once upon the cross
Suffer to redeem our loss.
Hallelujah! Latin hymn
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