“Pat-a-Pan” is a Christmas carol from France, originally written in Burgundian by Bernard de La Monnoye and published in 1720. Its title is onomatopoetic, mimicking the sound of the drums of shepherds gathering around the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Apparently, the same shepherds also play the flute, as indicated in the lyric “tu-re-lu-re-lu“.
The original title of this carol was “Guillô, Pran Ton Tamborin” (“Willie, Take Your Little Drum”)
On this page you can find Percussion ensemble sheet music as well an Orff arrangement and a Printable PDF file for free download.
Table of Contents
- Arrangement Details
- Pat-A-Pan (Willie, Take Your Little Drum) – Orff Arrangement Free Sheet Music PDF
- Orff Arrangement Sound file
- Pat-A-Pan (Willie, Take Your Little Drum) – Easier Orff Arrangement Free Sheet Music PDF
- Easier Orff Arrangement Sound file
Arrangement Details
We present here two versions for Orff ensemble. The second one is easier for you who want to address to younger or more beginners. Both of them are in A minor (natural) key and in 4/4 meter.
For the first Orff – arrangement you need at least 11 musicians and the following musical instruments:
- Glockenspiel
- Soprano Xylophone
- 3 Alto Xylophones
- Bass Xylophone
- Contra Bass Bars (C – G)
- Triangle
- Tambourine
- Wood Block
- Percussion (3 toms-Snare Drum)
For the easier Orff – arrangement you need at least 9 players and the following musical instruments:
- Glockenspiel
- Soprano Xylophone
- 2 Alto Xylophones
- Bass Xylophone
- Contra Bass Bars (C – G)
- Triangle
- Tambourine
- Wood Block
Pat-A-Pan (Willie, Take Your Little Drum) – Orff Arrangement Free Sheet Music PDF
(PDF download button below)
Click on the following images to preview the music sheet.
Click here or on the following button for a free download
of the percussion sheet music in PDF.
Orff Arrangement Sound file
To listen to the percussion arrangement offered above, click on the following player.
10 Songs with Free Christmas Sheet Music for Orff and Percussion Ensemble
Pat-A-Pan (Willie, Take Your Little Drum) – Easier Orff Arrangement Free Sheet Music PDF
Click here or on the following button for a free download
of the percussion sheet music in PDF
Easier Orff Arrangement Sound file
To listen to the percussion arrangement offered above, click on the following player.
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Christmas Percussion Sheet Music
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